Joining Pump
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Last updated
We save companies in several ways:
Group Buying (we have such a high spend in our umbrella that we unlock discounts like Netflix)
AI (our model scans your cloud usage and optimizes by buying long-term commitments Reserved Instances & Saving Plans)
Waterfall Coverage (if a Paris company isn't using an RI or SP at night, a Hawaiian company can benefit from it for free if they are in the same AWS organization! and vice versa)
Our model forecasts your individual spend (based on past data, a risk score, and a survey). โจ
We automatically purchase commitments (with our autopilot model on your behalf (Reserved Instances/Savings plans) so you get the maximum discounts)
We guarantee a 30 day money back on those purchases, i.e if your actual usage is lower than our commitments for 30 days - we allocate it to our other customers, sell them on the AWS marketplace or the last resort of giving you the equivalent AWS credits.
To add on, we also save you by group discount pricing, since we have millions of AWS spend all under our billing umbrella! This allows us to save customers on EC2 other, S3, and EBS sometimes!
Larger companies (like Netflix and Uber) negotiate direct deals & discounts with cloud providers that startups do not have access to. They also have large finance & DevOps teams with extensive experience and time to help them find the most efficient savings possible from AWS or GCP.